. The 2000's : Trivia Database Question Supplier

The new millennium was an exciting time, yet concerning for some. The Y2K bug conspiracies were swirling about the potential chaos that the new year might bring amongst computer networks. Luckily, this turned out to be just an overhyped fad which fizzled out. Despite these concerns, the 2000’s saw tremendous growth in technology. This growth was driven in part by Silicon Valley giants like Apple, Google, Intel, and Washington state’s Microsoft.

A few of the amazing accomplishments in technology of the decade include: The first inhabitants arrived at the International Space Station in 2000; the crew made up of one American and two Russian astronauts. YouTube was founded and launched in 2005 by three former PayPal employees, later growing into the leader in video sharing. Twitter was launched by Jack Dorsey in 2006.

In other news, the United States elected its first black president, Barack Obama. “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”, written by JK Rowling was published in 2000. It became the fastest-selling book ever and Harry Potter fever hit school aged kids around the world. In film, James Cameron’s Oscar winning film “Avatar” was at the top of the box office. Other notable film hits from the 2000s include “The Dark Knight”, ‘Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith.” and “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King”.

In music, Rolling Stone magazine listed Gnarls Barkley’s “Crazy” as the best song of the 2000s. In sports- many considered golfer Tiger Woods as the Athlete of the Decade. Tiger Woods won a total of 64 world golfing events in the 2000s, including 56 PGA Tour titles and an outstanding 12 majors.

But the 2000s decade was not without its major catastrophes, Hurricane Katrina devasted New Orleans in August 2005, causing major flooding killing nearly 2,000 people.

All in all, it was a decade filled with so much change, growth, and new information. Trivia Database has put together 200 multiple choice questions on 2000’s trivia in an easy downloadable file for you to share. These quiz questions are made for a general audience, covering general knowledge, sports, and entertainment categories.


Sample Questions From:




#1. In the film “Spider-Man 2”, who co-starred with Tobey Maguire?

#2. Sarah Palin became the Governor of what U.S. state in 2006?

#3. Which song won the Viewer’s Choice Award at the MTV VMA’s in 2000?


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