. FAQ : Trivia Database Question Supplier

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How can your Trivia Content be used?

We have provided content worldwide for a slew of products and presentations. Trivia entertains and captures the attention of billions of people worldwide. We have supplied content for hand-held games, bar top games, mobile applications, board games, magazines, books, company trade show presentations, product packaging, radio shows, TV shows, live shows, cruise ship games, video games, newsletters and more.

Do you offer a subscription service?

At the current time we do not offer a subscription service for our content. We suggest you purchase enough content for a few months at a time and add more as your project requires. We keep track of all past deliveries, you will not ever receive duplicate content.

How do we manage our ever-growing Database?

We manage our extensive collection of vast array of sell-able content data through our proprietary in- house Database Management tools. Our highly efficient .”Question Manager Interface” allows us to keyword, categorize, rank, date code, data mine, time label, research by individual words and track the history of each and every field and line of data. Our “Data Management System” provides us with the tool to create and categorize new content from existing data and data lists. Our “In House Data Dump/Import” gives us the flexibility to manage our fields of data, dump, import or move content by a wide array of parameters. Efficient effective data management is a key to our success and allows us to maintain and sell a cost effective product to the public, while maintaining profitability for Trivia Database.

Where do you get all that trivia?

We have been creating trivia since 1995 and have a pool of experienced talented writers and editors from the USA, Canada and Europe who create new trivia all the time. We double proof everything and vet the questions when time allows through our team of quiz testers. I am sure if its not 4:30AM right now, at least one of our writers are busy creating or editing new content.

Can I buy the whole database?

We offer all our non-exclusive content for sale through a licensing agreement. We would be willing to work out a fair price for the database, but fair warning we are not giving it away for pennies. The amount of work to create and maintain high quality content is enormous, as some of our customers have found out the hard way. Please give us call or email us about your needs, I am sure we can work it out so you have the large quantity of questions you need at a big savings off your cost to create it in-house.