. Irish Culture : Trivia Database Question Supplier

Across the globe, Saint Patrick’s Day parades and festivals are held on March 17th. Irish traditional music fills the air while people dance in their green attire and three-leaved shamrocks. Partygoers drink green beer and make corned beef to share with family and friends. The tradition of Saint Patrick’s Day parades actually began in North America and did not make it to Ireland until the 20th century. Since 2010, there have been over 300 landmarks in 50 different countries that have lit up green to celebrate the holiday.

Why do we celebrate St. Patty’s Day? The famous Saint Patrick lived in the fifth century as a missionary and bishop in Ireland. The primary patron saint of Ireland, Patrick is widely regarded as the founder of Christianity in Ireland. We celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day on the supposed date of his death. These days, the popular Irish holiday is observed throughout the world as a celebration of all things related to Ireland and Irish culture.

Get our Irish culture-themed trivia pack for your holiday celebrations- or any time of the year. You’ll get 100questions on Ireland and the Irish culture and its traditions. Contains easy, medium, and hard questions for a general audience.


Sample Questions From:




#1. What city in Ireland would you find the number one tourist attraction, St. Patrick’s Church?

#2. Which of the following is not a type of Irish folk dance?

#3. The white stripe in the middle of the Irish flag represents what concept?


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