. Healthy Living Quiz Questions w/ Factoids : Trivia Database Question Supplier

Healthy Living Quiz Questions w/ Factoids


200 MC questions w Factoids

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MC Questions With Factoids


Multiple Choice Ques w Additional Factoid

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MC Questions With  Facts

Specialized cells in the eyes process light and tell the brain whether it is day or night, impacting our sleep cycle.
Eating a large serving of anthocyanin-rich fruits may boost learning ability, memory, and motor skills.
Tea appears to be most beneficial to those born with the APOE e4 gene, which puts you at higher risk for Alzheimer’s.

Mongongo Nuts can be eaten raw, steamed, roasted, or chopped and used in recipes.
Ninety percent of grapes are grown for winemaking. The seeds a by-product of the winemaking process, can be pressed to make oil.
Olive oil is part of a healthy eating pattern, not a magic bullet by itself.
On average, 1 tablespoon of store-bought mayonnaise contains 90 calories.

A University of North Florida study concluded that this might happen because the runner is cognitively engaged by paying closer attention to the ground.
Scientists believe that the brain boost is because 3D movies bring about feelings of excitement, which then make the brain think faster.
Research shows that relocation might have an upside by causing a surge in your ability to recall generally positive events that occurred around the time of your move.
The human gut is home to more than 100 trillion microorganisms, called the gut microbiome, linked to everything from immune function to brain health.
Telomeres shorten with age, putting you at risk for neurodegeneration, but can be lengthened by a healthy diet, exercise, and stress management.

Which fruit ranked first on the Environmental Working Group’s shopping list, the 2024 Dirty Dozen?
What are potatoes used in McDonald’s french fries dipped in during processing?
What is the primary cooking oil at Chipotle restaurants?

What information can you learn from reading food labels to make informed choices about your diet?
Which strategy is key to maintaining a healthy weight?
When making food choices, it’s generally better to select which?
What offers a great source of plant-based protein and fiber?
What is beneficial for heart health in salmon?